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Senior Information

Welcome to your Senior Year!!

Picture of graduates in their caps and gowns seated along a brick wall.





We are so proud you've made it this far! We want to make sure you know exactly what you need to finish high school and earn your diploma...

Things to do as a Graduating Senior:


Make a Senior Meeting appointment (40-60 minutes) with Laura Anderson. Parents and guardians are welcome!

In your Senior Meeting we will discuss your graduation plan, community service, and your next steps after high school, which might include:

           -2 Year School
           -4 Year School
           -Trade School/Apprenticeship programs
           -Complete your Community Service

You are required to complete 20 hours of community service to graduate.  It is best to start working on that now if you haven't already. If you need ideas about how to earn community service, talk to Laura Anderson, your teachers, or any of the administrators. We're happy to help!

Important Dates for Graduating Seniors:

Friday, May 16thLast day of school for graduating Seniors. Graduating seniors get to enjoy an extra week of freedom, with their last day of high school taking place on Friday, May 16th. If graduates need to complete any classwork the following school week, teachers can make allowances as needed.

Tuesday, May 20th, 3:30pmGraduation Rehearsal at Ferguson High School. This is REQUIREDStudents, ask your employer to give you time off from work for this meeting. During rehearsal, the assembly area of Ferguson HS will be set-up similarly to the auditorium/stage at Mountain View so that graduates can practice their entrance, exit, being called to the podium, receiving diplomas, stage seating, etc. After rehearsal students will be given their cap, gown, stole, and tassel.

Friday, May 23rd, 10amGraduate Award Ceremony at Ferguson High School. During this ceremony, we will recognize graduating seniors who have earned scholarships, apprenticeships, internships, and those who are planning on enlisting into the military. You will be notified IF your student is expected to be recognized during this ceremony. For questions regarding scholarships, please contact our school Counselor, Laura Anderson.

Friday, May 23rd, FHS Graduation Ceremony at Mountain View High School: Graduates are to arrive at 2:25pm at Mountain View High School (3500 Mountain Lion Dr, Loveland, CO 80537). Graduation begins promptly at 3pm, regardless of late-comers.